Drinking Water
Our products are approved by Ministry of drinking water and Sanitation in India. We have a CGMP certified production facility spread over 20000 Sq. feet. Our facility & product both are as per ISO 9001-2015 certification. And they are following the quality norms as per NSF – ANSI 60 standard.
Our products are approved/used in over 13 states in India for drinking water. Some of the proposed applications are as follows.
Drinking water disinfection in surface water.
Boosting stations – Tertiary disinfection of Drinking water.
Tube well and Borewell water treatment.
Sequential dosing for Colour and Odour treatment.
Aesthetic treatment for Algae removal and taste improvement.

Waste Water Treatment
Due to lower oxidation potential, Chlorine dioxide does not form- THM’s (Trihalomethane) and other disinfection bi-products which are carcinogenic in nature, which makes it an ideal biocide in waste water treatment. Dr. Chloro has following advantages over the conventional process in tertiary waste water treatment
Does not react with Ammonia, hence no chloramine formation.
Does not react with Organics, hence no formation of carcinogenic substances.
Improves colour and reduces odour from waste water.
Removes biofilm from all the contact parts, tanks, pipes and pumps, which is very sever due to high nutrient load.
Reduced BOD and COD in the waste water

Hospitals, Apartments, School, Colleges, etc.
Chlorine dioxide is an effective disinfectant capable of killing large number of water borne pathogens & bacteria’s including legionella, E coli, cryptosporidium, Giardia and others. The ability of chlorine dioxide to kill legionella is of great importance to hospitals, considering the risk of patient contacting legionnaires disease.
• For prevention of legionella in hot and cold water system.
• Indoor fumigations of rooms & operation theatres.
• For Instrument and Surface sanitation.
• Floors and other public area sanitation
• Ambulance fumigation.
• Bio Hazardous waste decontamination and neutralisation.

Poultry Farm
Chlorine Dioxide Tablet has a very good effectiveness against most commonly known water borne pathogens like Ecoli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus etc… As the performance is independent of pH range (4-10), and ability to remove biofilm from the pipeline and other instruments, makes – ClO2 Tablet an ideal biocide for Breeder and Broiler farms. Some of the advantages are
Improved feed conversion rate.
Improved disease control.
Lower Mortality rate.
Improved bird performance.

Fruits and Vegetable Washing
Dr. Chloro with its versatile nature is widely used in the post harvest pre-treatment, before the crop is repacked or reprocessed. Some of the most common process can be – Pulp and Juice production, Raw food packaging for direct sales, Raw crop for direct use in food productions.
Spraying on the Post-harvest crop for Microbial control.
Dipping and cleaning in Dump tank for yeast and mold control.
Salmonella control in fresh cut packaged fruits.
Prevention and reduction of microbial induced deterioration and obsoletion.

Fish & Seafood Processing
Sea food collection and processing is a very complex process due to presence of very high organic load, fats, oil and grease. A better bio-security procedure and protocol is directly proportional to the resultant product quality and obsoletion. And a goods bio-security measure can help in increasing the product shelf life and reduce the product obsoletion. Some of the in process applications are.
Dipping of descaled fishes and deheaded shrimps.
Ice preparation for the catch storage.
Display and storage cabinet sanitation
Final product rinse before freezing and packing.
Fish and egg transportation.

Surface Sanitization
1g – Chlorine Dioxide – can produce 500 ml liquid of disinfectant. This is effectively used for wiping, spraying.
10 g – Chlorine Dioxide – can produce 10 litre of disinfectant.
This is effectively used for mopping, internal and external hard floor surface.
20 g – Chlorine Dioxide – take 500 ml of plastic bowl and add 1 tablet of 20g, Keep it overnight. Small Aerator can be used for faster release.

Purifies any room as it is applicable for all types of indoor air fumigation.
One Dr. Chloro sachet can treat upto 400-450 sq ft of area.
Reaches every niche and corner of the room.
No personal or technical assistance needed.
Eliminates the need for any machine.
Highly economical and low cost product.
Human friendly.